Trust Services

Our principals are uniquely suited to serve in important professional fiduciary roles.


You may be a trust beneficiary who counts on the vital support a trust provides. Or, you may wish to create a trust to ensure that your legacy is honored and your assets protected. In any case, appointing the right trustee is paramount to proper trust management. A trustee plays a critical role in ensuring that trusts are managed properly, beneficiaries’ needs are met and creators’ legacies are perpetuated. As former trust and estate attorneys, trust administrators at a national trust company and seasoned investment professionals, our principals are uniquely suited to serve in important professional fiduciary roles. They may administer a trust directly as an independent trustee or partner with a boutique trust company and work directly with beneficiaries as an investment direction advisor, distribution advisor or trust protector. Unlike a traditional bank trust company, which will insist that all trust assets be consolidated under its management, our principals have the flexibility to respect legacy family relationships and tailor solutions to meet unique circumstances. Also, our principals are comfortable with trusts that hold non-marketable assets like real estate, closely-held business interests, and life insurance policies.


How We Deliver

  • Serve various fiduciary roles in our individual capacities

  • Work closely with beneficiaries and their families

  • Delegate to other investment advisors to honor legacy relationships when appropriate

  • Team with a client’s tax professional on tax compliance matters

  • Provide guidance concerning the removal and replacement of existing trustees

  • Work with a client’s legal counsel on issues related to decanting or trust reformation

Connect With Us

Please contact us to have a conversation about your goals and how we can work together to meet them.